
Category: AI – Machine Learning

  • What Is Artificial Intelligence In Education

    What Is Artificial Intelligence In Education

    Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is being researched in many fields and becoming part of our daily lives. It rapidly transforms every industry, and the educational sector is no exception. This area offers incredible potential for the application of A.I. technology. Educators and learners are all using A.I. in different ways to achieve their academic goals.  1.…

  • Artificial Intelligence In Gaming

    Artificial Intelligence In Gaming

    Over the course of the last few decades, the gaming industry has seen great leaps. From simple games like Pac-Man, Space Invaders, which offered players short recreational means to huge community titles like World of Warcraft and Halo. Artificial intelligence in gaming, or how computer-controller entities interact in the virtual environment, has always been a…

  • The Applications Of Artificial Intelligence

    The Applications Of Artificial Intelligence

    As technology progresses, so do our work and lives, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in diverse areas in modern society, such as computer science or medical field, is reflecting humanity’s dream of a new era enabled by advanced technology. Indeed the applications of artificial intelligence are many, they promise a bright future where people…

  • What Is The Difference Between AI, Machine Learning And Deep Learning

    What Is The Difference Between AI, Machine Learning And Deep Learning

    Artificial Intelligence is setting the stage for an advanced technology-abled era. The recent years saw the rise of AI and its subsets, being Machine Learning and Deep Learning through various applications in healthcare and speech/fake recognition systems. In 2014, Google acquired DeepMind Technologies – a British artificial intelligence subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. and research laboratory;…